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raising your vibration. one breath at a time

being: a person or thing that exists, or the state of existing

lumen: a unit for measuring the amount of light something produces

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Are you overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, or burnout? I can help.

At Being Lumen, my online meditation and breathwork sessions are designed to:

* Reset your nervous system *
* Lower your heart rate and blood pressure *
* Release stuck trauma and blocked emotions *
* Reprogram negative, self-sabotaging thought patterns and beliefs *

* Boost your immune system *

In just 90 minutes, these sessions can transform your life.

No talk therapy needed—just the power of your breath and your body’s innate wisdom

to release what’s holding you back and allow self-healing.


And all this from the comfort and privacy of your own home!


#beinglumen #OnlineBreathworkSanctuary #UnlockYourPotential #Breath




Want to learn more about my journey and how being lumen, was founded? ​

discover the healing power of breathwork with our tailored services. start your day with 'the morning practice' to boost energy and focus, deepen your healing with our 'breathwork journeys', or learn foundational techniques in our breathwork essentials course. transform your well-being and unlock your full potential through the power of breath.

Secluded Fitness Studio

when you own your breath, nobody can steal your peace

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